Connections — category/tag results
The Exponential Power of Awakened Community
audio | 48 min. — a spontaneous conversation with Jim Trofatter
The first in a potential series “Conversations in Consciousness” Jim answers my questions about the importance and power of gathering forces with other “Secret Agents of Awareness.”
Deep Dive Podcast
audio | 74 min. — a deep dive dialogue hosted by Eyal Shay
A “deeper-than-usual” conversation about love, creativity, healing, harmony, and what it feels like to serve a whole greater than ourselves.
The Healing Pathways of the Unknown
Past Event | March 2022 — creative presencing with earth regenerators
This is our beautiful beta session of Creative Presencing with Earth Regenerators. The question we explored was "What does the field of love want us to know about the Healing Pathways of the Unknown?"
Explore . . .