Privacy & Terms
The first paragraph below is particularly worth reading.
Keep scrolling on down for a fresh look at terms, conditions, cookies, and more.
At we value privacy and ownership of personal data — not just on this website, but throughout the internet. As such, we encourage the use of Brave Browser, which offers unprecedented technologically-advanced control and self-ownership of your personal data and attention — including paying YOU for ads that appear in your (customizable) browsing experience. We also recommend the private search engine Duck Duck Go.
On this website we rely on the built-in privacy and security protocols of the platforms we use including: Squarespace, Podia, Paypal, Stripe, ConvertKit, MailChimp and other trusted service providers.
Privacy Policy
We do not engage in any practices that allow for your personal information such as email, to be distributed, sold, or otherwise obtained by anyone other than this website and/or Maja Apolonia Rode. Read our full Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please contact us.
We sometimes use unfamiliar, made-up, or foreign terms, some of which are found in our Use of Terms below. If you’re looking instead for our similarly titled Terms of Use, find them here.
Use of Terms
dharma | där-mə
the expression of one’s true nature; the divine potential within everyone and everything.e•mer•gent | ĭ-mûr′jənt
coming into view or existence.grok | grŏk
transitive verb
to understand profoundly through intuition or empathy; to “get it.”interbeing
a state of connectedness and interdependence of everything — including you.nonduality
the inherent reality of not being separate from anything in existence or non-existence.satsang
1. a field of mutual nondual presence.
2. a talk and or Q&A with a spiritual teacher.sublime
1. of high spiritual worth.
2. inspiring awe.
3. worthy of reverence.
Please let us know if you come across any other terms or word usage you are unfamiliar with.
We envision a world of condition-less love, peace, and happiness. In order to cultivate such a world, we also reserve the right to place conditions of participation on use of this website — including but not limited to: “Don’t be a meanie,” “Don’t break the law,” and “Don’t bring creepy-crawlies (spiders, bots, spam, etc.) into the house.”
We also do what we can to cultivate a world of sovereign humans connected into the interrelated nature of all things, capable of making intelligent choices, and empowered to act with deep integrity. Use your best judgement and do your homework before interpreting or acting on anything you find here — including working with people or communities I might be praising. If you are a spiritual student or psychology client, consider these guidelines. If you find an error or offensive posting or comment on this website, please let us know. Read our full Terms & Conditions.
Our policy is to cultivate a world of mutual respect and appreciation. Please do likewise when enjoying, engaging with, and sharing the content of this website.
You may know by now what internet cookies are. This website may use cookies to analyse website traffic and help provide a better visitor experience.
Just like edible cookies, internet cookies can be satisfying or just plain unhealthy. Brave Browser gives you more dietary options. It’s the best browser for blocking all kinds of non-ideal not-good-for-you things of the internet.
Ask me for my favorite cookie recipe!
Third Parties
We love parties!
Third Parties are when we celebrate other people and things — like when we appreciate or recommend a specific author, community, book, link or other third thing. Keep in mind that your results may vary! We expect site visitors to follow their own intuition, integrity, and intelligence.
For example, here are some points to consider when working with any spiritual teacher.