Articles and other links I find myself sharing for various reasons. Collecting them here until I’m ready to “publish” them; if you want to return to this page, click the secret red ❋ symbol in the bottom left of any page.
If you are curious, see my also-in-development People pages!
Maja’s Bookmarks
I keep coming across podcast conversations that shed light on aspects of individual and collective development that my creative projects are all about. I’m including links here, as much for my memory as for your enjoyment and inspiration.
A Case for Divine Dialogues / Flow Circles
Why Contemplation & Wonder Are Essential for the Future of Humanity with Iain McGilchrist
The Great Simplification Podcast with Nate Hagens
How can spiritually healthy and aware individuals lead the way towards societal change rooted in wisdom? How can focusing on the well-being of our closest communities create ripple-effects of emergence for broader humanity? Finally, how can embracing wonder and humility throughout our lives – in the face of our scariest challenges – guide us towards a more interconnected and sentient humanity?More to come. . .
Fractal Activism
Fractal Activism is a term I came up with to describe my view on how true and lasting change happens on all scales. How small changes in our own lives and ways of thinking actually make a difference on other scales of reality.
Denizen Podcast
From the personal to the global, Jenny Stephanotti engages in personal transformation while exploring the collective possibilities. She talks with a carefully curated guest list of diverse thinkers/leaders to explore possible regenerative futures. Topic areas include: Consciousness, Economics, Technology, Politics, Culture, and Justice.
Added September 12, 2022
Deep Thinker: Daniel Schmachtenberger
Advancing Human Sovereignty | Article (short)
“Uniquely expressed, bodhisattva, polymath, world-creators as the new normal is our aim.”
Fireside Talk at Emergence | Video (25 min) | 2016
Beautiful motivational speech for anyone looking for direction — how shall I serve?
What’s Important? Conversation | Video (2 hr 30 min) | 2023
This is a revealing conversation with Daniel Schmachtenberger and another deeply-respected voice of wisdom, Nora Bateson. Recorded September 15, 2023, in Stockholm Sweden. They refer to and touch on the concepts of Planetary Boundaries, “Moloch” Multipolar Traps, and Warm Data. Daniel offers perspective on the real causes of human impact on the planet, what is “human nature” really?, the importance of strong community bonds, and so much more. Included in the conversation is also Nate Hagens.
Environment Podcast: Nate Hagens
The Great Simplification | Podcast
About “energy blindness” and the planetary predicament. Not light listening.
The goal of the show is to inform more humans about the path ahead and inspire people to play a role in our collective future.
I remember particularly enjoying Episode 22 with Aza Raskin and his work on communicating with animals. He’s also interviewed Daniel Schmachtenberger, Nora Bateson, and Tristan Harris.
Rob Hardy
Non-Coercive Marketing: A Primer | Article (long)
“A new philosophy of marketing, rooted in letting go of control, and trusting people to be their own authority.”
Finally the beginnings of a marketing approach that plays a long game and honors the people you’re offering something to. He mentions influences near the beginning including two friends of mine Joe Hudson and Charles Eisenstein.
Marcy Nelson-Garrison
Coaching Toys Store | Fun games, card decks, and more cool tools for coaches.
Creative Product Creation | programs and coaching