Divine Dialogues
The Divine Dialogue process taps into a deeper aspect of who you are and what you can express. Just being in that resonance feels good, valid, authentic, life-affirming — and it’s fun!
— Kent Welsh
Co-founder of Open Circle Center
Upcoming Dialogues

What are Divine Dialogues?
Divine Dialogues are gently guided mystical conversations — with magic at the core.
A deceptively simple yet powerful process combined with an oracular dialogue prompt cultivates a magical space of safety and synchronicity where profound personal insight and collective wisdom naturally emerge.
There’s no teacher or guru at center stage holding the focus, taking the credit, or limiting the scope of understanding. Nobody needs to play the role of a student posing a question to an apparently "wiser other.” The wisdom and insights that emerge are cocreated and shared by all.
Each one of us is known and regarded as the world’s leading authority of our own experience and unfolding.
As we each discover and express our unique responses to the prompt, we grow our understanding beyond what we could possibly see alone.
No experience or self-professed wisdom is necessary. Sincere intention and curiosity allows wisdom to unfold as explore what happens when we listen together.
Divine Dialogues aren’t just about arriving at answers. They are about asking questions deeply together. This process nourishes us and builds our capacity to express the truth of our experience — individually and collectively.
Within minutes we can access this infinite, healing wisdom that we each possess. “It never fails.”
[3 min] Five participants share their experience of Divine Dialogues.

What Do We Talk About?
We don’t know. . . yet!
A distinguishing feature of Divine Dialogues is the oracular magic at its core. After settling in together, we roll Maja’s innovative Divine Dice Oracle to reveal one of over 20,000 possible prompts. Each prompt is a surprise to everyone present and is utterly unique to the moment.
This poetic and profound language randomization is specifically designed to cultivate a field of deep, shared consciousness.
And it is surprisingly effective!
The sublime space holds strong as we gravitate around the profound idea at the center.
Just being in that resonance feels good — and it’s fun!
[1 min] Kent Welsh, founder of Open Circle, reflects on his experience after attending a number of dialogues.

What happens at the event?
Divine Dialogue events are warm, welcoming spaces that cultivate ease and connection.
Gatherings are usually hosted in a private home and include an optional potluck or tea and snacks provided by participants.
Typical Schedule
5:45 pm — Arrive as early as 5:45 for optional potluck at 6 pm.
6:45 pm — Arrive no later than 6:45 to be settled in for the dialogue at 7 pm.
7–8:30 pm — Divine Dialogue (see below)
8:30-9 pm — Mingling and clean-up
Divine Dialogue Process Overview
We sit in a circle with a visual “game board” at the center. The experience begins with a bell.
After a brief overview of the process, we go around the circle for a simple check-in.
We then take a few quiet moments to get clear about our intention or (optionally) the personal inquiry we bring to the oracle.
Four people take turns rolling the dice to reveal the oracle message, which will serve as the one shared prompt for the dialogue.
A few minutes for individual silent reflection on the message and how it relates to our personal inquiry or intention.
Group dialogue with a talking piece, popcorn style, about 30 minutes. Each person is encouraged to pick up the talking piece at least once, even if just to share a moment of silence. People can share more than once.
Silence is the ground of the dialogue, extended silences are welcome. Listening together is the main activity.
A few minutes of individual silent reflection, including a brief guided writing process.
Go around the circle to share our brief writing.
Take a few minutes to step back and reflect together on the process itself, share highlights, or talk about how to invite insights into our lives.
The focused process ends with a bell. All are invited to mingle for a bit and/or help with clean up.
Would you like to cultivate a deepened sense of connection and/or consciousness for your community, special event, or team? Divine Dialogues are a beautiful and unique way to do that!
Contact me and we will set up a time to talk about the possibilities.
“Ballpark. Knocked out of. Again. Thank you, Maja. 🙏” ~ P.W.