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“Between the Lines” Collage Series
gallery | 72 images — spontaneous sayings of seeking and finding
Long before memes were ever a thing, I made this series of image+word collages. Each one emerged with a life of its own — a spark of unplanned insight, resonance, and/or delight. Enjoy!

A Sweet and Simple Thanksgiving Game
game | sharing morsels of gratitude with friends & family
A super simple game for the Thanksgiving table.

Rasa Harp at Black Mountain
video | 3 min — music for quiet reflection
This musical meditation is an invitation to contemplate and surrender into the mystery of the vast cosmos of being. Each of my Rasa Harp tunings carries a different "vibe,” flavor, or rasa, which is Sanskrit for the feeling-experience transmitted through a creative work.

Dharma Libs Demo — so fun!
video | 2 min — crazy wisdom you write with your friends
Here’s a funny demo of Dharma Libs from the Center for Nondual Awareness retreat. Get the free PDF and write your own funny stuff!

Collage Series Favorites “Between the Lines”
gallery | 23 images — spontaneous sayings on the nature of reality
Viewer-chosen favorites from an exhibit in 2000 at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.

The Blind Men and the Elephant
video | 4 min — the ancient tale set to rhyme by John Godfrey Saxe
It was six men of Indostan
to learning much inclined
who went to see the elephant,
though all of them were blind,
that each, by observation,
might satisfy his mind . . .