category / tag results

The Sculptor and the Stone
video | 5 min — a new and ancient story of creation
A nondual bedtime story, for the magical child in all of us. Written in 2003, and performed here in 2011, this is my most loved rhyme.

How to Grow a Mandala
video | 5 min — 5-minute creative empowerment
You can channel beauty into the world from the deep and quiet clarity of the heart. Viewed more than 750,000 times, my 5-minute video will show you how.

Dharma Libs Demo — so fun!
video | 2 min — crazy wisdom you write with your friends
Here’s a funny demo of Dharma Libs from the Center for Nondual Awareness retreat. Get the free PDF and write your own funny stuff!

Playing with Palindromes
gallery | 16 riddles — making sense of nonsense
My inner 10-year-old goofy word nerd came out to play and create a bunch of riddles that make sense of odd palindrome phrases. Can you solve them?

Every Day Is Christmas
video | 3 min — a fun and heartfelt Christmas carol
“Made me want to hug my mom.” :)
Reinventing Christmas #2: For many years I led Christmas carols at the annual gathering of Adyashanti's nondual meditation community. I wanted to include some fun songs in the mix, but all the truly fun songs lacked depth of meaning. So I wrote my own!

The Blind Men and the Elephant
video | 4 min — the ancient tale set to rhyme by John Godfrey Saxe
It was six men of Indostan
to learning much inclined
who went to see the elephant,
though all of them were blind,
that each, by observation,
might satisfy his mind . . .