category / tag results

Self-Love Memes
gallery | 52 images — on staying true to what’s true in you
Nuggets of self-loving insight from guest teachers and participants in The Reality of Self Love program.

Sensing & Sensemaking Memes
gallery | 6+ images — perspectives on the world inside and out
Nuggets of insight from others past and present, near and far.

Wisdom Clips
gallery | 52 images — more spontaneous sayings on the nature of reality
When I'm feeling "off" I read through this series to get back in touch with reality. It totally does the trick for me, how about you?

Playing with Palindromes
gallery | 16 riddles — making sense of nonsense
My inner 10-year-old goofy word nerd came out to play and create a bunch of riddles that make sense of odd palindrome phrases. Can you solve them?