category / tag results
![On the Nature of Beauty](
On the Nature of Beauty
text | 1800 words — beauty as the interaction between perceiver and object
![Sensing & Sensemaking Memes](
Sensing & Sensemaking Memes
gallery | 6+ images — perspectives on the world inside and out
Nuggets of insight from others past and present, near and far.
![Cultivating a Field of Emergence](
Cultivating a Field of Emergence
article | 1050 words | cultivating a field of creation and community
This model of creative emergence is a work in progress! But hopefully, each iteration inches a bit more closely toward a clear and useful reflection
![What Is Beauty? Dissertation](
What Is Beauty? Dissertation
book excerpt | 2300 words — a living inquiry for the mind and heart
Here’s the introduction and first chapter of my Ph.D. dissertation. Or, download the entire 350-page PDF if you like. Revisiting this tome 20 years later, I’m pleasantly surprised, actually. Enjoy!
![Channels of Sacred Communication](
Channels of Sacred Communication
video | 17 min — Science and Nonduality Conference, 2016
This model of how to culitate a channel of sacred communication emerged from the inquiry, What makes Adyashanti’s retreats the most powerful form of his teaching?