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Mandala: Seeds of Creation
video | 12 min — a visual meditation on the beauty of being
Sink into the depths of presence with this visual meditation of seven mandalas and enchanting rasa harp music.

Highlights from the Lighter Side
video | 10 min — Center for Nondual Awareness Retreat, 2014
From playfully profound to seriously silly, enjoy this sampler of original nondual-inspired raps, rhymes, jokes, group activities, party games, and more.

It’s All Sublime Rap
video | 3:16 min — the treasure you are seeking couldn’t be more near
For seekers and finders of spiritual liberation . . . “Listen and open your eyes. What you seek has no disguise.”

The Throne of Your Existence
video | 3 min — on following the integrity of your heart
Following the integrity of your heart, no matter how much it is challenged by the mind, or by the world around you, is always its own reward. And this reward . . .

The Sculptor and the Stone
video | 5 min — a new and ancient story of creation
A nondual bedtime story, for the magical child in all of us. Written in 2003, and performed here in 2011, this is my most loved rhyme.

Channels of Sacred Communication
video | 17 min — Science and Nonduality Conference, 2016
This model of how to culitate a channel of sacred communication emerged from the inquiry, What makes Adyashanti’s retreats the most powerful form of his teaching?

How to Grow a Mandala
video | 5 min — 5-minute creative empowerment
You can channel beauty into the world from the deep and quiet clarity of the heart. Viewed more than 750,000 times, my 5-minute video will show you how.

Rasa Harp at Black Mountain
video | 3 min — music for quiet reflection
This musical meditation is an invitation to contemplate and surrender into the mystery of the vast cosmos of being. Each of my Rasa Harp tunings carries a different "vibe,” flavor, or rasa, which is Sanskrit for the feeling-experience transmitted through a creative work.

Who Are You? Rap
video | 4 min — a playfully profound answer to the ancient question
“Who Am I?” After delving deep into this Impossible Mission of spiritual inquiry, The Premanator gives away the secret intel.

Dharma Libs Demo — so fun!
video | 2 min — crazy wisdom you write with your friends
Here’s a funny demo of Dharma Libs from the Center for Nondual Awareness retreat. Get the free PDF and write your own funny stuff!

There Is a Place
video | 6 min — a song about coming Home
I wrote this song after a 5-night silent retreat. It speaks of where we meet in the wordless, spacious field of the One Heart.

Stop Mandala Time-Lapse
video | 3:32 min — a mandala emerging
Watch this (mostly) unplanned mandala coming into form. Commissioned by someone who had a deep spiritual "sign" that he wanted to honor and remember with a mandala.

How to Make a Sri Yantra Mural
video | 4 min — watch the creation step-by-step
Since ancient times, yogis of India have considered the Sri Yantra to be the most potent geometric embodiments of the divine, bestowing life energy, good fortune, and even enlightenment to those who view it. Here's how I painted a massive Sri Yantra on my wall.

Every Day Is Christmas
video | 3 min — a fun and heartfelt Christmas carol
“Made me want to hug my mom.” :)
Reinventing Christmas #2: For many years I led Christmas carols at the annual gathering of Adyashanti's nondual meditation community. I wanted to include some fun songs in the mix, but all the truly fun songs lacked depth of meaning. So I wrote my own!

The Blind Men and the Elephant
video | 4 min — the ancient tale set to rhyme by John Godfrey Saxe
It was six men of Indostan
to learning much inclined
who went to see the elephant,
though all of them were blind,
that each, by observation,
might satisfy his mind . . .

A New and Ancient Christmas Story
video | 3 min — in honor of the divine feminine
“I got chills.”
Reinventing Christmas #3: In the wintertime of 2014, I noticed that in our “western” culture there is no archetype of the holy girl child. I thought, What if Jesus was a girl? This poem unfolded over the next 6 years or so.

Reason for the Season
video | 4 min — a rap about the true meaning of Christmas
“Ahhhh this was slammin’! I love it!”
Reinventing Christmas #1:
We’ve all heard the story about the guy
with the first name Jesus and the last name Christ.
Born long ago, yet we still remember
with a birthday party at the end of December. . .