Let’s Make It Real

Creative Mentoring

Have You Been Called to a Unique and Unprecedented Journey of Awakening Consciousness, Loving Connection, and Creative Fulfillment?

I can help you along your path of mastery.

Dear Pioneer of Presence,

I celebrate the profound journey of your human life and the cosmic proportions of your consciousness. If you are feeling called to a deeper level of integrating spiritual awakening, loving connection, and creative potential, let's talk about how I can support you.

I bring decades of first hand experience weaving the threads of consciousness, creativity, and connection in an integrated process. This led me to a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology, two decades supporting the growth of the nondual meditation community, and a lifetime passion for integrating spirituality, creativity, and a profound love for all life.

I have a great passion to all out your gifts and to help you get clarity about what now and what next.

Each client is unique. Let's set up a 30-minute session (by donation) to get a feel for each other and jumpstart our shared understanding of your process with my unique Soul Essence divination experience.

Click the link above to contact me and get started.



Ready to dive in? The next step in our creative mentoring journey is to uncover your unique and beautiful Soul Purpose Profile

Your Soul Purpose Profile

You are invited into a journey of self-discovery unlike any you have experienced before.

With a unique mix of magic, meditation, and meaningful dialogue we will dive deep into the sacred space of your soul’s calling. Let’s find out the essence of what you are here to bring into the world and explore how you are designed to do it.

90 minute session
Zoom or In Person (Los Altos, CA)

These unique one-on-one sessions are intuitive, heartfelt, creative, and deep!

Using my original Divine Dice technology, and calling on our shared desire to co-create a better world for all, we will find words for and explore three essential aspects of your sacred life calling:

  • Your Soul Essence

  • Your Sacred Archetype

  • Your Inner Compass

Your Soul Purpose Profile session will be a co-creative adventure in consciousness. It calls forth from both of us, our deep intelligence and creativity in service to the unfolding of your life purpose.

We will meet on Zoom or in person at my Black Mountain Studio (see photo) in Los Altos, California.

Your Soul Purpose Profile is a starting point for any future explorations using my unique language-randomizing process that literally allows Spirit and Soul to speak to us in the moment of our shared presence and intention.

Divine Dice spontaneously emerged during the pandemic lockdown of 2020, through a series of delightful insightful creations. One unexpected unfolding led to another, and the pieces naturally came together into these transformative soul readings.

I continue to be amazed by the depth and accuracy of this spontaneously-formed oracle system — and I can’t wait to share it with you!

This powerful, yet utterly gentle process allows us to dive in together, and discover together what gifts want to emerge from you, and how they want to do it. Like blowing on the embers of your heart-flame, I love witnessing, calling out, and encouraging your unique and much-needed gifts to be given ever more fully and joyfully.

If we meet in person, you will enjoy a glorious view of Black Mountain, my original teacher of consciousness.

Let’s find the GPS coordinates of your soul’s calling, and get you on your way!

90 minute session
Zoom or In Person (Los Altos, CA)
