Inner Wisdom Portrait Sessions

About these sessions:

These unique one-on-one sessions are intuitive, heartfelt, creative, and deep! Inner Wisdom Alchemy Sessions call forth your deep intelligence and creativity to support the unfolding of your life purpose. In this foundational 90-minute session (on Zoom), we will name and explore 3 essential aspects of your Inner Wisdom Portrait:

  • Your Soul Essence

  • Your Sacred Archetype

  • Your Inner Compass

Inner Wisdom Alchemy Sessions spontaneously emerged during the pandemic lockdown of 2020, through a series of creations starting with Divine Dice. One creation led to another, and then pieces naturally came together in such a way that I started offering these sessions!

Every session has been unique and beautiful. I love playing the role of “Dharma Cheerleader,” witnessing, calling out, and encouraging your deepest sacred creative gifts to be given ever more fully.

I continue to be amazed by the depth and accuracy of this spontaneously-formed oracle system!

Try it out yourself:

If you want to try out the Inner Wisdom Oracle on your own, it’s all freely available online as the Inner Wisdom Portals, which start here. You are more than welcome to play on your own or with friends. You are your own Inner Wisdom Oracle, after all! I am also happy to support you if you would like to dive in more deeply with my company, love, and support.

A little about me:

I have been exploring inner wisdom since the early 90s. My background includes a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology, 25 years exploring the field of Nondual Awareness, and a lifetime of creative and artistic explorations. Learn a bit more about me.

To schedule a session or if you have questions about this, contact me.

I look forward to sharing sacred space with you and seeing what emerges to support your unfolding.


Divine Dice — the original, physical version of my online oracle.

Contact me to set up a session.

Inner Wisdom Oracle Example

Here I am applying my online Inner Wisdom Oracle to Itself! Our session together will go much deeper, but this gives you an idea of the progression and type of inquiry.

I will now go through the Inner Wisdom Portals with the intention to receive guidance around these sessions that I might also share with you here. I will be asking for the Soul Essence, Sacred Archetypal Role, and Inner Compass of these sessions.

Here are oracle results and notes I’m taking in real time as I go through the inquiry now:

Soul Essence

The Soul Essence is like the unmanifest spirit of this thing that wants to become real in the world.

“Anciend Presence Perceiving” reminds me that the Inner Wisdom Oracle isn’t something I created or something I do. And it’s also not some spirit entity out there that wants to express itself in the world. The Inner Wisdom Oracle, in its Soul Essence is YOU. It is YOUR ancient presence, perceiving the truth of your being and your calling in this world. The “oracle game,” the words it delivers, and my presence (if we play together) are only in support of the deepest eyes of your soul to become more alive, more clear, and more well used!

Sacred Archetype

The Sacred Archetype is the vehicle through which the Soul Essence is channeled into the world.

Exploring — yes! This is absolutely what we do in these sessions. We explore together the awareness and insights that come up in response to the oracle words. And again, the Trusted Wisdom Keeper is YOUR HEART! It’s what the Buddhists call prajna or heart-wisdom. Its a whole-being wisdom, which includes all aspects of your intelligence and knowing. Trusted — the experience of trust unique to every relationship, isn’t it. If you feel drawn to work/play with me, that hopefully has something to do with trusting me, and I am deeply grateful for that. And again, it is your own heart that you most importantly and ultimately form that trust-bond with. And it’s the trust-bond with your own heart that I champion beyond any insight or guidance I might offer you. Your prajna is the trusted wisdom keeper exploring in these sessions.

Inner Compass

Inner Compass often names “how” the Sacred Archetype channels the Soul Essence into the world.

“Recognizing present channels of knowing” is certainly right-on for this Inner Wisdom oracle! It’s all about becoming more aware of (recognizing) that intuitive wisdom (knowing). And there’s no other moment or place but to do that in the Present. The “channels” word asks for more attention. It’s not just “Recognize Present Knowing.” It’s channels of knowing. This makes me realize that the information and insight that we come to through the play with this oracle, as profound as it can be, isn’t the core of it. The core “how” is more about bringing attention to the ways that we know. It’s about exercising our intuitive sensing muscles. It’s about paying deep attention to how we know things now, not in the past or future. I’ll sit more with this one.

I hope the above gives you a sense of how we play with the Inner Wisdom oracle in the sessions. Contact me if you’d like to set up a 90-minute Inner Wisdom Portrait session. Available via Zoom.