Charles Eisenstein Retreat in New Zealand 2017

event | 2017 — Aroha Valley, Aotearoa New Zealand

Thank you so much for sharing our beautiful time in the space between stories with Charles Eisenstein. It was a delight to be with each and every one of you. May what has opened in us and among us continue to flower.

Below are downloads of a few things I shared during the retreat. Enjoy!

LOKAH BLESSING — May all beings everywhere be happy and free. Lokah Blessing MP3. Lokah Sam-ast-ha Sukino Bhavantu

MEDITATION ZITHER -- Here's how to get started making one of your own: Meditation Harp Instructions

INTERBEING BEDTIME STORY -- The Sculptor and the Stone. You can also find a recording of it on my Songs of the Heart CD (below). 

KEEPING IN TOUCH -- If you'd like to be on my very occasional email list or just be in touch, feel free to contact me -- I'd love to hear from you.

❤ 2000-2017 | Maja Apolonia Rodé

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