Rumi’s Caravan 2013

event | 2013 — Santa Rosa, CA, USA

Get the 2013 PDF

Offering my poetry and song at Rumi's Caravan in Santa Rosa, hosted by Kay Crista and friends.

Here’s what I performed — words in the PDF above:

1. "JUST REST" -- I set this short poem to music. Written by Hafiz, translated by Daniel Ladinski.

2. "STAY TOGETHER" -- A Rumi poem translated by Coleman Barks.

3. "LOTUS OF YOUR HEART" -- An original rhyming poem about the one heart.

4. "I HAVE FAITH" -- Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Robert Bly.

5. "THIS STILLNESS" -- An original rhyming poem about stillness.

❤ 2000-2013 | Maja Apolonia Rodé

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