Rumi’s Caravan 2016
event | February 6, 2016 — Santa Rosa, CA, USA
It is a joy and delight to participate in Rumi's Caravan once again, and to meet so many beautiful people after the performance!
I recited three original poems at the matinee program, February 6, 2016 in Santa Rosa. These are not yet published, but with so many requests, I'm making them available -- just for you :)
1. "KISSING THE BELOVED" -- I wrote this poem specifically for this Rumi's Caravan performance! It is a rhyming adaptation of Rumi's "Give yourself a kiss..." translated by Coleman Barks.
2. "LOTUS OF YOUR HEART" -- I was inspired to share this particular piece after Judith Shiner so beautifully spoke about the flowering of the human spirit.
3. "THE SCULPTOR AND THE STONE" -- It was so sweet after the matinee as people shared with me how this poem touched them so deeply. (This one is available via either button below.)
Inspired by a most gracious reception, I am making a PDF of these poems available to the community, with love:
❤ 2000-2015 | Maja Apolonia Rodé
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