category / tag results

The Paradox
text | 250 words — on seeing truth in all its guises
Look inside your favorite box
and there you’ll find a paradox.
For what appears as love and light
contains within . . .

A Sweet and Simple Thanksgiving Game
game | sharing morsels of gratitude with friends & family
A super simple game for the Thanksgiving table.

It’s All Sublime Rap
video | 3:16 min — the treasure you are seeking couldn’t be more near
For seekers and finders of spiritual liberation . . . “Listen and open your eyes. What you seek has no disguise.”

Wisdom One-Liners of Ramana Maharshi
PDF | 1 page — Printable Poster
Here are my top 20 nuggets from one of the world’s favorite nondual gurus, Ramana Maharshi. Enjoy!

Dharma Libs Demo — so fun!
video | 2 min — crazy wisdom you write with your friends
Here’s a funny demo of Dharma Libs from the Center for Nondual Awareness retreat. Get the free PDF and write your own funny stuff!

Wisdom One-Liners of Nisargadatta
PDF | 1 page — Printable Poster
Top 20 one-liners from my favorite nondual guru. Nisargadatta once said, “Just by sitting and listening to these talks, your mind will be annihilated.” These seemingly simple statements run deeper than they appear! Read more if you dare. ;)

A Good Place To Start
video | 3 min — a rhyming revelation about the nature of being
Look all around you, take in the scene.
Can you say for certain that it's not a dream?

Reason for the Season
video | 4 min — a rap about the true meaning of Christmas
“Ahhhh this was slammin’! I love it!”
Reinventing Christmas #1:
We’ve all heard the story about the guy
with the first name Jesus and the last name Christ.
Born long ago, yet we still remember
with a birthday party at the end of December. . .