category / tag results

On the Nature of Beauty
text | 1800 words — beauty as the interaction between perceiver and object

Self-Love Memes
gallery | 52 images — on staying true to what’s true in you
Nuggets of self-loving insight from guest teachers and participants in The Reality of Self Love program.

The Throne of Your Existence
video | 3 min — on following the integrity of your heart
Following the integrity of your heart, no matter how much it is challenged by the mind, or by the world around you, is always its own reward. And this reward . . .

The Reality of Self Love
program | 10-part series — on staying true to what’s true in you
Join me for in-depth dialogues with teachers of timeless wisdom as we explore the questions: What is self-love? Why does it matter? How do we cultivate a self-loving world starting with ourselves?

What Is Beauty? Dissertation
book excerpt | 2300 words — a living inquiry for the mind and heart
Here’s the introduction and first chapter of my Ph.D. dissertation. Or, download the entire 350-page PDF if you like. Revisiting this tome 20 years later, I’m pleasantly surprised, actually. Enjoy!

An Invitation to Play
poem | 350 words — a message to the one who is trying to find her direction