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The Sculptor and the Stone
video | 5 min — a new and ancient story of creation
A nondual bedtime story, for the magical child in all of us. Written in 2003, and performed here in 2011, this is my most loved rhyme.

Rasa Harp at Black Mountain
video | 3 min — music for quiet reflection
This musical meditation is an invitation to contemplate and surrender into the mystery of the vast cosmos of being. Each of my Rasa Harp tunings carries a different "vibe,” flavor, or rasa, which is Sanskrit for the feeling-experience transmitted through a creative work.

The Healing Mantra
audio | 2:33 min — ancient mantra for healing body, mind, and soul
One of the more potent of the ancient Sanskrit mantras, The Healing Mantra is a practice of liberating the illusions of consciousness. It can be offered as a prayer for healing on all levels of being, individual and collective. Here I am singing it with a traditional melody.

Who Are You? Rap
video | 4 min — a playfully profound answer to the ancient question
“Who Am I?” After delving deep into this Impossible Mission of spiritual inquiry, The Premanator gives away the secret intel.

audio | 20 min — music for yoga and meditation
This is the often-requested background music from my How to Grow a mandala video and Adyashanti's online broadcasts. I'm playing one of my Rasa Healing Harps and a tamboura, accompanied by mother nature on ocean waves.

One Kind Breath
audio | 3 min — a message to soothe my scared and tired parts
As you know, words don’t do much good when what you need is a warm and gentle hug from that inner goddess . . .