category / tag results

The Paradox
text | 250 words — on seeing truth in all its guises
Look inside your favorite box
and there you’ll find a paradox.
For what appears as love and light
contains within . . .

Highlights from the Lighter Side
video | 10 min — Center for Nondual Awareness Retreat, 2014
From playfully profound to seriously silly, enjoy this sampler of original nondual-inspired raps, rhymes, jokes, group activities, party games, and more.

Wisdom One-Liners of Ramana Maharshi
PDF | 1 page — Printable Poster
Here are my top 20 nuggets from one of the world’s favorite nondual gurus, Ramana Maharshi. Enjoy!

Channels of Sacred Communication
video | 17 min — Science and Nonduality Conference, 2016
This model of how to culitate a channel of sacred communication emerged from the inquiry, What makes Adyashanti’s retreats the most powerful form of his teaching?

A Good Place To Start
video | 3 min — a rhyming revelation about the nature of being
Look all around you, take in the scene.
Can you say for certain that it's not a dream?