category / tag results

Six Secrets for Creating a Field of Love at Your Gathering
article | 2000 words | simple actions that make all the difference

Intersubjective Art Salon 2
Past Event | May 2022 — Mandala: Seeds of Creation Virtual Art Exhibit
Cohosted by Nick Shore and Cheryl Hsu, this intersubjective art salon features my mandalas, insights on the emergent creative process, and an inspiring intersubjective group dialogue in response to the art.

Highlights from the Lighter Side
video | 10 min — Center for Nondual Awareness Retreat, 2014
From playfully profound to seriously silly, enjoy this sampler of original nondual-inspired raps, rhymes, jokes, group activities, party games, and more.

Cultivating a Field of Emergence
article | 1050 words | cultivating a field of creation and community
This model of creative emergence is a work in progress! But hopefully, each iteration inches a bit more closely toward a clear and useful reflection

How to Grow a Mandala
video | 5 min — 5-minute creative empowerment
You can channel beauty into the world from the deep and quiet clarity of the heart. Viewed more than 750,000 times, my 5-minute video will show you how.

Stop Mandala Time-Lapse
video | 3:32 min — a mandala emerging
Watch this (mostly) unplanned mandala coming into form. Commissioned by someone who had a deep spiritual "sign" that he wanted to honor and remember with a mandala.

Emergent Wisdom Writing
exercise | access inner wisdom through writing
When I have a question in life requiring wisdom that seems beyond my reach, sometimes I turn to this process of emergent writing. Here’s how . . .