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Wisdom One-Liners of Nisargadatta
PDF | 1 page — Printable Poster
Top 20 one-liners from my favorite nondual guru. Nisargadatta once said, “Just by sitting and listening to these talks, your mind will be annihilated.” These seemingly simple statements run deeper than they appear! Read more if you dare. ;)

Embodying Our Essence
program | 9-part series — enter transformative depths in sacred heart space
Weaving Realization Process meditations with original poetry, songs, and zither music, Roma Hammel and Maja Apolonia Rodé lead heartful mystics and meditators on a uniquely transformative journey.

There Is a Place
video | 6 min — a song about coming Home
I wrote this song after a 5-night silent retreat. It speaks of where we meet in the wordless, spacious field of the One Heart.

Stop Mandala Time-Lapse
video | 3:32 min — a mandala emerging
Watch this (mostly) unplanned mandala coming into form. Commissioned by someone who had a deep spiritual "sign" that he wanted to honor and remember with a mandala.

The Self-Love Sanctuary
program | small groups — with Sacred Space Facilitator, Kate Foley
Join Kate Foley for a deep dive into The Reality of Self Love.

Creative Presencing
Live Online Series | August 2021 — tap into the creative field of our collective presence
One of my lockdown projects was initiating “The Creative Centre” in the Rebel Wisdom sense-making community online forum. There I connected with other artists of consciousness, and a few of us have been developing a collective practice of deep-dive downloads . . .

How to Make a Sri Yantra Mural
video | 4 min — watch the creation step-by-step
Since ancient times, yogis of India have considered the Sri Yantra to be the most potent geometric embodiments of the divine, bestowing life energy, good fortune, and even enlightenment to those who view it. Here's how I painted a massive Sri Yantra on my wall.

One Kind Breath
audio | 3 min — a message to soothe my scared and tired parts
As you know, words don’t do much good when what you need is a warm and gentle hug from that inner goddess . . .

Divine Dice
offering | oracle game — inner wisdom oracle and meditation game
Divine Dice are your magical compass for inner space exploration! Each roll reveals one of 1728 unique Facets of Presence perfectly “chosen” to soothe your soul, align your energies, and lift your spirits.

A Good Place To Start
video | 3 min — a rhyming revelation about the nature of being
Look all around you, take in the scene.
Can you say for certain that it's not a dream?

Playing with Palindromes
gallery | 16 riddles — making sense of nonsense
My inner 10-year-old goofy word nerd came out to play and create a bunch of riddles that make sense of odd palindrome phrases. Can you solve them?

Emergent Wisdom Writing
exercise | access inner wisdom through writing
When I have a question in life requiring wisdom that seems beyond my reach, sometimes I turn to this process of emergent writing. Here’s how . . .

Writing My Little Book of Love
essay | 450 words — coming to terms with love and truth
Back in 1995, One Love was the culmination of a decade-long journey with unconditional love as the guiding aspiration of my life. Now in 2022, there’s more to the story.

Every Day Is Christmas
video | 3 min — a fun and heartfelt Christmas carol
“Made me want to hug my mom.” :)
Reinventing Christmas #2: For many years I led Christmas carols at the annual gathering of Adyashanti's nondual meditation community. I wanted to include some fun songs in the mix, but all the truly fun songs lacked depth of meaning. So I wrote my own!

The Blind Men and the Elephant
video | 4 min — the ancient tale set to rhyme by John Godfrey Saxe
It was six men of Indostan
to learning much inclined
who went to see the elephant,
though all of them were blind,
that each, by observation,
might satisfy his mind . . .

A New and Ancient Christmas Story
video | 3 min — in honor of the divine feminine
“I got chills.”
Reinventing Christmas #3: In the wintertime of 2014, I noticed that in our “western” culture there is no archetype of the holy girl child. I thought, What if Jesus was a girl? This poem unfolded over the next 6 years or so.

Reason for the Season
video | 4 min — a rap about the true meaning of Christmas
“Ahhhh this was slammin’! I love it!”
Reinventing Christmas #1:
We’ve all heard the story about the guy
with the first name Jesus and the last name Christ.
Born long ago, yet we still remember
with a birthday party at the end of December. . .

Breathing Spirals Logo Process
article | 300 words — logo creation process
My creative process for generating a logo — or anima — for Earth Regerators.