category / tag results

A Blessing for Our Journey
audio | 3 min. — on co-creating resonant connections
Let this intention emerge from the heart.
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One,. . .

Together Unfolding
550 words | 7 min. audio — on becoming One-Heart directed
Let this intention emerge from the heart.
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One . . .

Heart Strings Flowing
450 words | 5 min. audio — on weaving community together
Each of us has a special place
in this world of beauty’s grace.
But we don’t find our place alone . . .

Lean Into Me
450 words | 5 min. audio — a love letter from Myself to myself
“To trust this unfolding is to trust that life, flowing naturally, becomes a flowering garden of love.”

The Throne of Your Existence
video | 3 min — on following the integrity of your heart
Following the integrity of your heart, no matter how much it is challenged by the mind, or by the world around you, is always its own reward. And this reward . . .

The Sculptor and the Stone
video | 5 min — a new and ancient story of creation
A nondual bedtime story, for the magical child in all of us. Written in 2003, and performed here in 2011, this is my most loved rhyme.

There Is a Place
video | 6 min — a song about coming Home
I wrote this song after a 5-night silent retreat. It speaks of where we meet in the wordless, spacious field of the One Heart.

One Kind Breath
audio | 3 min — a message to soothe my scared and tired parts
As you know, words don’t do much good when what you need is a warm and gentle hug from that inner goddess . . .