Gravity Dreams
425 words | 6 min. audio — on becoming water together
On Becoming Water Together
by Maja Apolonia Rode
I — Our Fractal Task
I see you — love is your power.
Mud at the base, and a lotus flower.
Take a breath in and give a breath out.
This ancient reciprocity has no doubt
that you belong within life’s ecology
from-your-consciousness, to your micro-biology.
Every little bit, and every larger whole
weaves through your being, your unique soul.
And here we are. Let’s get connected
as an expression of the intersubjective
truth — and supreme reality
that I am you and you are me.
This is-our-fractal mycellial task.
It’s a true desire, but-we-still need to ask:
Shall we, right now, reach out and feel?
Shall-we-join our threads and make this real?
Shall-we-live in-a-world rooted in deep silence,
where the core morality is simply nonviolence?
Shall-we-see the world as One Love creation
and include ourselves in that equation?
One true connection at a time,
humanity’s realities become sublime.
One true connection at a time,
humanity’s realities become sublime.
II — What Is Emergence? *
Emergent properties can’t be foreseen
before they arise from a living dream.
A great example is H2O.
Oxygen and hydrogen could never know
the result of rivers and steam that rises,
clouds and the snow that crystallizes
into unique mandalas forming,
and how the-snow-melts with sunlight warming.
Pine trees rise up while mountain streams
meander down as gravity dreams
of birds and bears and forest floors
teaming with the seeds and spores
of fractal greens and magic molecules
weaving worlds where beauty rules.
Astounding worlds beyond any thought-
those-atoms could-imagine when they got caught
inside their cosmic love triangles —
two H’s, one O, at just the right angles.
We-don’t-make-it happen, it’s just how it goes:
With natural attraction, evolution grows
a garden-planet of life-giving streams.
A world emerges as gravity dreams.
A garden-planet of life-giving streams,
a world emerges as gravity dreams.
III — Love Is the Gravity
Love is-the-gravity that links up humanity.
It leads not only to a greater sanity
but-far-beyond-where imagination goes
when we become like the water flows.
This life-giving substance is our guide
our self, our savior, our river ride.
Things really get going when we fall in.
"Beyond the other shore" is when we learn to swim.
And beyond even that is when we become
molecules doing-three dances as one-
dynamic magical miracle potion:
ice, and steam, and a liquid ocean.
We’re-already water — but we’ve been frozen.
Bring on the sun and let’s flow to the ocean.
The sun is your heart's luminous shine.
Let’s-melt-into-each-other; we are all divine.
Let’s-become streams, together flowing
into a great sea beyond our knowing.
Let’s see the world as One Self alive
where-all beings are happy, and all beings thrive.
Let’s see the world as One Self alive.
May-all-beings be happy. May all beings thrive.
❤ 2023
* Inspired by Daniel Schmachtenberger’s talk on Emergence in 2016.
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