category / tag results

Self-Love Memes
Perspectives Maja Apolonia Rode Perspectives Maja Apolonia Rode

Self-Love Memes

gallery | 52 imageson staying true to what’s true in you

Nuggets of self-loving insight from guest teachers and participants in The Reality of Self Love program.

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Together Unfolding
Raps & Rhymes Maja Apolonia Rode Raps & Rhymes Maja Apolonia Rode

Together Unfolding

550 words | 7 min. audioon becoming One-Heart directed

Let this intention emerge from the heart.
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One . . .

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Lotus of the Heart
Raps & Rhymes Maja Apolonia Rode Raps & Rhymes Maja Apolonia Rode

Lotus of the Heart

poem | 150 wordsa rhyming meditation on the nature of love

Dwelling in the silent space
at the center of the heart of grace
a lotus blooms for all to see
the beauty of reality . . .

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Rasa Harp at Black Mountain
Music & Sound Healing Maja Apolonia Rode Music & Sound Healing Maja Apolonia Rode

Rasa Harp at Black Mountain

video | 3 minmusic for quiet reflection

This musical meditation is an invitation to contemplate and surrender into the mystery of the vast cosmos of being. Each of my Rasa Harp tunings carries a different "vibe,” flavor, or rasa, which is Sanskrit for the feeling-experience transmitted through a creative work.

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Music & Sound Healing Maja Apolonia Rode Music & Sound Healing Maja Apolonia Rode


audio | 20 minmusic for yoga and meditation

This is the often-requested background music from my How to Grow a mandala video and Adyashanti's online broadcasts. I'm playing one of my Rasa Healing Harps and a tamboura, accompanied by mother nature on ocean waves.

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