Together Unfolding

550 words | 7 min. audioon becoming One-Heart directed

On Becoming One-Heart Directed

by Maja Apolonia Rode


This is the story that wants to become
in a world where we see everything as One
interconnected weaving of love, 
no inside or out, below or above:

Every place is the center, circumference unbound,
the essence and flow of light dancing with sound.
Let us encounter each moment of being
as a miracle made just for us, for our seeing.

Let this intention emerge from the heart. 
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One,
Earth as it mixes with water and sun.

A seed breaks open from under the soil
with no ounce of effort or seasonal toil.
One moment just leads right into another
birthing new life — a sister, a brother.

All is a web of silence relating
beyond what our thoughts and our words might be stating,
beyond the desire for some thing to be,
a simple surrender to what we now see.

This day is a gift that is openly given,
a circle of love we are welcomed to live in.
What is this field of belonging that grows
One Heart connecting its life-giving flows?

Let us be planted in this fertile space
where we can discover our own sacred place.
Let us become like flows in the garden
giving our gifts with no ounce of pardon.
Flowers all flowing and growing and grown,
beyond what we could have imagined or known.

Reach under the surface, mycelium threads,
across the mysterious darkness instead
of thinking we know some fine destination,
some end, where we end with a big celebration.
Let go of the aims, the goals, and controls.
What might emerge when wholes become Wholes?

What will emerge from holons connected,
humans becoming One-Heart directed? 
A Buddha is born from the space in between us
each time that we see that the sacred has seen us.


We are all invited to whole-life connection,
giving each other embodied reflection.
Reberbrant ripples and echoes of seeing
fractally bless all the layers of being.

This speck of a moment, eternity’s seed,
is a pattern unfolding, fulfilling the need.
No need for greed, chaos, or confusion
when nothing can possibly be an intrusion.
All things and all moments arise from the same
one all-pervading and infinite game.

“What part do I play?“ Some of us ask.
The answer can only be lived in the task.
And the task is not hard and it’s not complicated. 
And it’s not what an outer authority stated.

To be what you already are is just this:
Life giving birth to you with a kiss.
A kiss of death and whatever transpires
between the first breath and the funeral pyres.

Something continues the same through it all.
The essence beyond and within is the call. 
It calls us to see and to feel and to hear. 
It calls us together to live not in fear
but instead to plant ourselves nearer than near.

Right here — where we are and where we’ve always been. 
In this center of centers is where we begin. 
When my core is yours and yours is mine, too, 
we move all-together beyond what we knew. 
And so may we together unfold
a new world of beauty for all to behold.

❤ 2023

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