category / tag results

A Blessing for Our Journey
audio | 3 min. — on co-creating resonant connections
Let this intention emerge from the heart.
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One,. . .

Together Unfolding
550 words | 7 min. audio — on becoming One-Heart directed
Let this intention emerge from the heart.
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One . . .

Heart Strings Flowing
450 words | 5 min. audio — on weaving community together
Each of us has a special place
in this world of beauty’s grace.
But we don’t find our place alone . . .

Intersubjective Art Salon 2
Past Event | May 2022 — Mandala: Seeds of Creation Virtual Art Exhibit
Cohosted by Nick Shore and Cheryl Hsu, this intersubjective art salon features my mandalas, insights on the emergent creative process, and an inspiring intersubjective group dialogue in response to the art.

Channels of Sacred Communication
video | 17 min — Science and Nonduality Conference, 2016
This model of how to culitate a channel of sacred communication emerged from the inquiry, What makes Adyashanti’s retreats the most powerful form of his teaching?

Creative Presencing
Live Online Series | August 2021 — tap into the creative field of our collective presence
One of my lockdown projects was initiating “The Creative Centre” in the Rebel Wisdom sense-making community online forum. There I connected with other artists of consciousness, and a few of us have been developing a collective practice of deep-dive downloads . . .