category / tag results

Six Secrets for Creating a Field of Love at Your Gathering
article | 2000 words | simple actions that make all the difference

On the Nature of Beauty
text | 1800 words — beauty as the interaction between perceiver and object

A Blessing for Our Journey
audio | 3 min. — on co-creating resonant connections
Let this intention emerge from the heart.
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One,. . .

Together Unfolding
550 words | 7 min. audio — on becoming One-Heart directed
Let this intention emerge from the heart.
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One . . .

Heart Strings Flowing
450 words | 5 min. audio — on weaving community together
Each of us has a special place
in this world of beauty’s grace.
But we don’t find our place alone . . .

Lean Into Me
450 words | 5 min. audio — a love letter from Myself to myself
“To trust this unfolding is to trust that life, flowing naturally, becomes a flowering garden of love.”

Cultivating a Field of Emergence
article | 1050 words | cultivating a field of creation and community
This model of creative emergence is a work in progress! But hopefully, each iteration inches a bit more closely toward a clear and useful reflection

What Is Beauty? Dissertation
book excerpt | 2300 words — a living inquiry for the mind and heart
Here’s the introduction and first chapter of my Ph.D. dissertation. Or, download the entire 350-page PDF if you like. Revisiting this tome 20 years later, I’m pleasantly surprised, actually. Enjoy!

How to Grow a Mandala
video | 5 min — 5-minute creative empowerment
You can channel beauty into the world from the deep and quiet clarity of the heart. Viewed more than 750,000 times, my 5-minute video will show you how.