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A Blessing for Our Journey
audio | 3 min. — on co-creating resonant connections
Let this intention emerge from the heart.
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One,. . .

Together Unfolding
550 words | 7 min. audio — on becoming One-Heart directed
Let this intention emerge from the heart.
Let life be the flow of a masterful art —
not by our doing, but the will of the One . . .

Heart Strings Flowing
450 words | 5 min. audio — on weaving community together
Each of us has a special place
in this world of beauty’s grace.
But we don’t find our place alone . . .

Lotus of the Heart
poem | 150 words — a rhyming meditation on the nature of love
Dwelling in the silent space
at the center of the heart of grace
a lotus blooms for all to see
the beauty of reality . . .

The Paradox
text | 250 words — on seeing truth in all its guises
Look inside your favorite box
and there you’ll find a paradox.
For what appears as love and light
contains within . . .

The Sculptor and the Stone
video | 5 min — a new and ancient story of creation
A nondual bedtime story, for the magical child in all of us. Written in 2003, and performed here in 2011, this is my most loved rhyme.

A Good Place To Start
video | 3 min — a rhyming revelation about the nature of being
Look all around you, take in the scene.
Can you say for certain that it's not a dream?

The Blind Men and the Elephant
video | 4 min — the ancient tale set to rhyme by John Godfrey Saxe
It was six men of Indostan
to learning much inclined
who went to see the elephant,
though all of them were blind,
that each, by observation,
might satisfy his mind . . .

A New and Ancient Christmas Story
video | 3 min — in honor of the divine feminine
“I got chills.”
Reinventing Christmas #3: In the wintertime of 2014, I noticed that in our “western” culture there is no archetype of the holy girl child. I thought, What if Jesus was a girl? This poem unfolded over the next 6 years or so.