category / tag results

Self-Love Memes
gallery | 52 images — on staying true to what’s true in you
Nuggets of self-loving insight from guest teachers and participants in The Reality of Self Love program.

Lean Into Me
450 words | 5 min. audio — a love letter from Myself to myself
“To trust this unfolding is to trust that life, flowing naturally, becomes a flowering garden of love.”

Lotus of the Heart
poem | 150 words — a rhyming meditation on the nature of love
Dwelling in the silent space
at the center of the heart of grace
a lotus blooms for all to see
the beauty of reality . . .

It’s All Sublime Rap
video | 3:16 min — the treasure you are seeking couldn’t be more near
For seekers and finders of spiritual liberation . . . “Listen and open your eyes. What you seek has no disguise.”

audio | 20 min — music for yoga and meditation
This is the often-requested background music from my How to Grow a mandala video and Adyashanti's online broadcasts. I'm playing one of my Rasa Healing Harps and a tamboura, accompanied by mother nature on ocean waves.

An Invitation to Play
poem | 350 words — a message to the one who is trying to find her direction

Embodying Our Essence
program | 9-part series — enter transformative depths in sacred heart space
Weaving Realization Process meditations with original poetry, songs, and zither music, Roma Hammel and Maja Apolonia Rodé lead heartful mystics and meditators on a uniquely transformative journey.

Stop Mandala Time-Lapse
video | 3:32 min — a mandala emerging
Watch this (mostly) unplanned mandala coming into form. Commissioned by someone who had a deep spiritual "sign" that he wanted to honor and remember with a mandala.

One Kind Breath
audio | 3 min — a message to soothe my scared and tired parts
As you know, words don’t do much good when what you need is a warm and gentle hug from that inner goddess . . .

A Good Place To Start
video | 3 min — a rhyming revelation about the nature of being
Look all around you, take in the scene.
Can you say for certain that it's not a dream?

Emergent Wisdom Writing
exercise | access inner wisdom through writing
When I have a question in life requiring wisdom that seems beyond my reach, sometimes I turn to this process of emergent writing. Here’s how . . .

Writing My Little Book of Love
essay | 450 words — coming to terms with love and truth
Back in 1995, One Love was the culmination of a decade-long journey with unconditional love as the guiding aspiration of my life. Now in 2022, there’s more to the story.