category / tag results

It’s All Sublime Rap
video | 3:16 min — the treasure you are seeking couldn’t be more near
For seekers and finders of spiritual liberation . . . “Listen and open your eyes. What you seek has no disguise.”

Mandalas on White
gallery | 20+ images — visions of harmony and balance
A few of the mandalas I’ve made over the years with colored pencils on white paper.

Cultivating a Field of Emergence
article | 1050 words | cultivating a field of creation and community
This model of creative emergence is a work in progress! But hopefully, each iteration inches a bit more closely toward a clear and useful reflection

Wisdom One-Liners of Ramana Maharshi
PDF | 1 page — Printable Poster
Here are my top 20 nuggets from one of the world’s favorite nondual gurus, Ramana Maharshi. Enjoy!

The Throne of Your Existence
video | 3 min — on following the integrity of your heart
Following the integrity of your heart, no matter how much it is challenged by the mind, or by the world around you, is always its own reward. And this reward . . .

The Reality of Self Love
program | 10-part series — on staying true to what’s true in you
Join me for in-depth dialogues with teachers of timeless wisdom as we explore the questions: What is self-love? Why does it matter? How do we cultivate a self-loving world starting with ourselves?

What Is Beauty? Dissertation
book excerpt | 2300 words — a living inquiry for the mind and heart
Here’s the introduction and first chapter of my Ph.D. dissertation. Or, download the entire 350-page PDF if you like. Revisiting this tome 20 years later, I’m pleasantly surprised, actually. Enjoy!

The Sculptor and the Stone
video | 5 min — a new and ancient story of creation
A nondual bedtime story, for the magical child in all of us. Written in 2003, and performed here in 2011, this is my most loved rhyme.

Channels of Sacred Communication
video | 17 min — Science and Nonduality Conference, 2016
This model of how to culitate a channel of sacred communication emerged from the inquiry, What makes Adyashanti’s retreats the most powerful form of his teaching?

How to Grow a Mandala
video | 5 min — 5-minute creative empowerment
You can channel beauty into the world from the deep and quiet clarity of the heart. Viewed more than 750,000 times, my 5-minute video will show you how.

Rasa Harp at Black Mountain
video | 3 min — music for quiet reflection
This musical meditation is an invitation to contemplate and surrender into the mystery of the vast cosmos of being. Each of my Rasa Harp tunings carries a different "vibe,” flavor, or rasa, which is Sanskrit for the feeling-experience transmitted through a creative work.

Peeking Through the Emptiness
essay | 630 words — reflections on your all-embracing portal of perception
Question: I heard [a spiritual teacher] speaking about complete acceptance of what is. What does complete acceptance look like?

The Healing Mantra
audio | 2:33 min — ancient mantra for healing body, mind, and soul
One of the more potent of the ancient Sanskrit mantras, The Healing Mantra is a practice of liberating the illusions of consciousness. It can be offered as a prayer for healing on all levels of being, individual and collective. Here I am singing it with a traditional melody.

Who Are You? Rap
video | 4 min — a playfully profound answer to the ancient question
“Who Am I?” After delving deep into this Impossible Mission of spiritual inquiry, The Premanator gives away the secret intel.

audio | 20 min — music for yoga and meditation
This is the often-requested background music from my How to Grow a mandala video and Adyashanti's online broadcasts. I'm playing one of my Rasa Healing Harps and a tamboura, accompanied by mother nature on ocean waves.

Dharma Libs Demo — so fun!
video | 2 min — crazy wisdom you write with your friends
Here’s a funny demo of Dharma Libs from the Center for Nondual Awareness retreat. Get the free PDF and write your own funny stuff!

An Invitation to Play
poem | 350 words — a message to the one who is trying to find her direction

Collage Series Favorites “Between the Lines”
gallery | 23 images — spontaneous sayings on the nature of reality
Viewer-chosen favorites from an exhibit in 2000 at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.